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A Message to Our Customers



Dear Bossen community,


We are equally committed to the safety of our customers, employees, and community. Accordingly, Bossen Food’s distributors are following all applicable guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and other authorities regarding the COVID-19 virus.
To support these goals, the following steps have been implemented at all Bossen Food’s locations (Leadway International, Bossen West, and GBT Foods):


-Cleaning and disinfecting all high touch surfaces every 30 minutes

-Wearing a masks and gloves at all time while picking and packing online orders

-Promote appropriate social distancing and temporary stop providing service to walk-ins

-Adjusting workspaces to keep employees a safe distance from each other during the workday and providing opportunities to telecommute

-Continually reminding employees of the need to avoid physical contact and regularly wash hands

-Taking appropriate steps to ensure that any employee who is exposed to the virus or shows signs of sickness to stay home


We will keep you updated of any further changes that may impact our business by e-mail,, each location’s website, and through our social media channels.
We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to things getting back to normal as soon as possible.


Bossen Food & Team