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How to Store and Keep Tapioca Pearls


Tapioca pearls, also called boba or boba pearls, are mostly made from starch. This starch gives the pearls a chewy and fun texture but also makes them sensitive to humidity and temperature.

Below are our step-by-step recommendations for maintaining the best boba quality and ensuring proper tapioca pearl storage.

How to Store and Keep Tapioca Pearls

Before Cooking: Proper Tapioca Pearl Storage

To maintain freshness, store unopened tapioca pearl bags in a cool, dry place below 77°F (25°C). Proper tapioca pearl storage helps retain the pearls' quality. Once opened, reseal unused pearls tightly and store them under the same conditions, using them within one to two days. Any changes in temperature or moisture could result in sweaty pearls, impacting boba quality. We advise against using pearls that show signs of such changes.

While Cooking: Achieving Perfectly Cooked Tapioca Pearls

Well-cooked tapioca pearls are essential for delivering the soft, chewy texture your customers love. For large pearls, cook for 30 minutes and let them rest for 35 minutes. For small pearls, cook for 10 minutes and rest for 5 minutes. However, cooking tapioca pearls may vary depending on your appliance. For step-by-step instructions on how to cook tapioca pearls, click here.

To ensure they're cooked to perfection, bite into a pearl. If it's soft all the way through with no resistance, it's ready. If there's a starchy center, continue cooking until fully soft.

After Cooking: Maintaining Tapioca Pearl Quality

Due to the nature of starch, tapioca pearls will soften over time. To maintain boba quality after cooking, use them within four hours. During this window, follow these key steps:

  • Sugar Coating: Coat the drained pearls with honey, sugar, or fructose to protect them from becoming too soft or hard when mixed into drinks.
  • Temperature: Keep the pearls at room temperature. Avoid refrigeration, which makes them hard, or overheating, which softens them too much.
  • Lump Fix: Pearls tend to lump due to their starch content. Stir occasionally. If lumps form, add ½ tbsp. of lukewarm water and stir until the pearls separate.

Check out Bossen Tapioca Pearls

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